Friday morning the Damn Husband came down the stairs and was shuffling through the drawers looking for scissors and glue. Are you making me a valentine, I joked. No, he answered I am making you a thousand dollars to spend. It is an Abraham thing, he explained. He had just listened to one of the Abraham CD’s about money. For days now (weeks, months, years..) Michael and I have been discussing money, our thoughts around it, our lack of it and ways we can change our thinking about it and our relationship with it that will hopefully ultimately affect the poverty cycle we find ourselves in. So, the universe gives us what we ask for- the Law of Attraction. So if we are constantly feeling we don’t have enough then that is what we are attracting. And that is definitely what we have been attracting. To turn this around we need to imagine ourselves from a different perspective. The Damn Husband gives me a Xeroxed copy of a thousand dollar bill he has carefully glued together. Spend it any way you like he tells me. So, I am imagining having money, spending money and creating a different reality about money. One that works for me. I am attracting more money into my life everyday. What fun. Here is how I spend my virtual thousand dollars every day.
$180.00 6 new black turtlenecks from LL Bean
$240.00 6 button down LL Bean shirts (2 white, one blue, one pink, one
$40.00 IKEA enameled cast iron pot with lid
$10.00 IKEA oiled cast iron frying pan\
$80.00 IKEA white wicker desk chair
$349.00 IKEA wooden wardrobe for the mudroom
$50.00 Takeout sushi deluxe
$50.00 Massage for Barb
$900.00 Bosch Dishwasher (I am ready to break this cycle. I have never owned a dishwasher and frankly, it is time. I will soon have three kids. I am tired of fishing through cold dishwater to find a baby spoon because there are no more left in the drawer. I am tired of washing dishes by hand, or not washing dishes by hand and having them pile up in the sink. The Damn Husband does not do dishes. I can convince him of many household chores but not dishes.
$14.00 The Presence Process: A Healing Journey into Present Momement Awareness by Michael Brown recommended by Gina Marks
$86.00 Translation and sending a very special package to Ethiopia
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
$2800.00 17 inch Mac Book Pro with eight hour battery
$1400.00 In Design Suite
$150.00 Office 2008
$200.00 Aperture 2
$200.00 Donation to Children Creating Bridges
$500.00 Donation to OC
$50.00 massage for Barb
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