There were people who saw us who didn’t even know we were parents.
A kid-free 18 hours.
An hour late, much crying (the kids not me) and finally we were on our way.
oh, I needed that cocktail.
The work party was at the Curtis Center
Date night with a work party thrown in. For me, it was not the reason for the date, but what I had to go through to get the date. You never know what you will learn. We were in the dessert line with a couple who were married in a corn maze. I was trying to chat and be friendly but I had to turn around after I heard about the matching t-shirts that said “bride” and “groom”. I tried to plaster my happy smile to my face but I really didn’t trust my facial features to be able to keep it up. A corn maze. Did the guests have to try to find their way to the wedding or out of it? I decided I really like my husband’s boss when her comment was, “oh, corn maze, isn’t that redundant?”
Looking up was quite a sight
A little entertainment
Such a beautiful dress
Dueling photographers. I wonder what his shot looks like.
I wanted to take the wheatgrass home after the party for juicing.
Mr Karaoke. My Damn Husband really should be a lounge singer. He’s got it down.
He’s really working those eyebrows

Finally, off to the Omni
Damn Husband: “Put the camera away”
He recovers from too many gin and tonics
Breakfast at FARMiCiA was so yummy. Their homemade granola is worth a trip into the city.
Chemical Heritage. This is worth another trip into Philly.
Philly is a really sweet city
18 hours over too soon.