I have found that when things get busy and I am behind in everything, the best thing I can do is play. Especially if the day is beautiful, sunny, and warm. Today I was so grateful that we are homeschoolers. My kids were outside enjoying the world instead of sitting inside a building. It is what works for us. We spent the afternoon at Tyler Arboretum exploring their tree houses.
Playing inside a giant guitar. How cool is that?
This is my favorite. Ropes hang down that are attached to bells all over the tree. I have the perfect spot for this in my yard. Now I just have to get the Damn Husband to help me build it.
I was inspired by this outside musical wonderland. I want to recreate this in my yard. Neighbors beware.
For Nigel this was a fun tunnel to climb through, for Mikaela it was a horse (Of course!), and I enjoyed making it sing.
And by the end of the day, I had my priorities in place and all those things I felt behind in, didn’t feel as important anymore. After writing this I read Karen Maezen Miller’s post about exhalation and I realized, yes, that is what I did. I remembered to exhale.