This got me thinking what it would be like to be God. Would it be like creating a work of art and then sitting back, taking it all in, thinking about what you find works about the creation, and what you would do differently next time? Or would you constantly rework it, change little things, answer someone’s request, kick up a big storm? I don’t think I would be able to be as hands off as God the now seems to be about some things that happen here. When I make something (small things like potholders, not big things like galaxies) there is always things I wish I could change but often I worry that going in and trying to fix things will only make it worse. If I were playing God, I would start small. For starters, I would make chocolate the most nutritious food possible, one that we should eat several times a day to keep our bodies healthy. A little change that would truly make the world a better place to live. I think I could take a little lesson from my dad. When I was young, I would cringe when he would train our dog, but now I can see some advantages for this style in other situations. My father was old school when it came to dog training. When he was housebreaking our dog, Sam he would grab her by the scruff and drag her and push her nose into any mess that was found in the house and holler, Bad dog, No Sam. Then he would push her outside and leave her there for a while especially if she barked or whined. I think I would like to use that same technique with several people that have left big messes around our planet. I would start by grabbing George by the back of the neck: Bad George, No George and leave him in Iraq even if he whined.
My daughter playing with her wooden train set gave me another idea. I really appreciate that God lets us make our own decisions, but sometimes I think people need a little help in learning how to get along with others better. They need a little nudge to help them make the right decisions. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to police the world, just a little? For example, the guy driving right on someone’s tail (usually mine) or swerving in and out of traffic. I picture being able to reach down and pluck the car up with two fingers like my daughter does when a train section derails. I’d look at the culprit, shake my finger at him and put the car down in some inconvenient place to make sure he learned his lesson. Like on top of a building or up in a tree.
If God were in human form I think he/she is either a gay man or a woman but I lean towards a gay man because you’ve got to admit the overall design of the universe is pretty lavishly over the top. This planet is a beautiful work of art. If you doubt this, watch the BBC production Planet Earth.