Our second court date for Yaebsira is today. We are waiting for a phone call or an email from our agency. Waiting to find out if I legally have one daughter or two. Waiting to find out if I am a mother of two children or three. It is afternoon in Ethiopia. In my heart I am her mother. I want to be able to post pictures of her. Oh please call me and say, yes, yes, she passed court. Yes we can fly to Ethiopia to bring her home. How do you wait for such news? So far I have done the dishes, stared at unimportant emails and tried to write an article for the OC news about Temesgen’s adoption. I was unable to write anything. I am good at staring off into space. While waiting I will post some recent pictures of Nigel Temesgen and Mikaela and hope that I can follow them with pictures of Yaebsira. I can not legally post any pictures of her until she passes court. With Ethiopian adoption you first get a referral for a child and you accept it. Which we did, of course. Then MOWA (Ministry of Women’s Affairs) has a court date to check that all paperwork is in order. Having Nigel home is proof that our paperwork is in order. He passed on the first court date. Yaebsira’s first court date failed. We were told by our agency that there was one missing signature and she will surly pass the second time. So here we are on the day of the second court date waiting. Waiting. I have met her, played with her, hugged her, kissed her. Her pictures are all around our house. She is already my daughter in my heart.
Life is sweet
That after-bath glow!
beautiful dreamers
Sweet little feet
Drool monger
Good friends
My happy boy
Chef Nigel
Always exploring
A girl's best friend
Uhm... maybe this would be a good way to keep him safe... He seems to like it...
Ready for Spring!
Finally, Michael has a hockey fan in the family!! Thanks Meg, for the great jacket.
The Damn Husband and Nigel. I hope I get to post the picture of him kissing Yaebsira.
Happy and carefree at OC
Mikaela preparing for Earth Hour.
A spooky Earth Hour photo. Wish I had a tripod. I had a vision of what a wonderful time we would have during Earth Hour. We were going to have a fire and hang out and have fun as a family. Well, not quite the way we planned... It was too wet and the fire kept going out and was very smoky. Nigel was exhausted and bad tempered. I ended up going inside and putting him to bed. My lantern went out so I changed him in the dark. i was doing pretty well until my chest and neck were suddenly very wet! Thanks buddy!! We both went to bed crabby. Mikaela and Michael ended up having a good time finding tons of earthworms by the glow of their flashlights.
Why is there paper all over the floor? Ah, because my recycling bag has become a mask of course!!
"I have to go outside. I have work to do", Mikaela said. And when I turned around this is what she looked like. Ready for work!
Some days just don't go the way you want them to. This is the email I just received:
Sorry--April 13th, it was reassigned.
I don't know why at this point, just got an email and haven't spoken to anyone yet. May be as simple as power outage which is causing problems already this year. Don't worry, she will come home!
After trying to get a grip and stop crying I go tell Michael who hugs me and heads out to work. Sorry babe. I tell Mikaela. "That's ok mommy. Now we will have more time to prepare. We don't have enough kitchen chairs. We will have to get another one before she gets here. I have to go feed my horse." She skips away. Why can't I be as resilient? Now what do I do?