Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Un-Damn Husband

“Can you write a post about the un-damned husband? The one that is going to Home Depot for the second time in one day?”

The Un-damned Husband. The one that didn’t yell when he came home to find that Nigel had broken off the release valve to the toilet and made it rain in the living room. The one that  got the more expensive all nature flea spray on line instead of the chemical warfare one and has shaved the dog’s butt and taken out the trash and paid the bills and agreed to go out for trick or treat in the rain…

The one who never has time any more to write music and follow his dreams and and and…

Yes I can. Here it is my mighty man, my Mister Fix-it, my sunshine boy.

You make me crazy.

And I love you.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Today is Your Day

On Tuesday a friend brought over this sign for me. It really made me laugh.


E and I were laughing about it but Mikaela just kept looking at it very seriously. Later she asked me, “ so how do you know today what it will be like tomorrow?" I try to explain that the sign was just meant to be funny but is not meant to be taken literally; it isn’t true. She still failed to see the humor. Later when we were playing in bed before we turned out the lights, she pointed out, “look mommy, you are making Nigel and I both happy.” This afternoon she asked me if she could write something on the other side of the sign. I said sure.


I am one lucky mama.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Hobby House

Hobbies are great. Some people knit, some participate in extreme sports, others collect. We have our house.

“Gee honey, what would you like to do this weekend?”

“Uhm, I don’t know, do you want to fix the rotting porch before one of the kids falls through the floor boards or should we try to fill the huge gaps in between the wide plank wood boards in the kitchen so we eliminate the icy breeze?”

“I was thinking we could reglaze the windows before they fall out over the winter and replace the glass in the ones that have already fallen out.”

“I think the porch wins.”

For another weekend our Netflix movies sat in their little paper sleeves collecting dust.


“If I pretend to know what I am doing perhaps these boards will pretend to be a porch.”


The little helper lists the 50 most popular hobbies. Number 2 is watching TV. Are you kidding? Watching TV is not a hobby. Number 15 is shopping. Shopping? I guess spending money is a very popular American hobby. Housework is number 24. Who made this list? Gee, if only I had more free time for my favorite hobby, housework. Wait, do they mean housework like cleaning the house or work on the house like my foot just fell through the back porch we better fix this?

According to a hobby is defined as “an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation: Her hobbies include stamp-collecting and woodcarving.”

Okay, so I am a snob. TV is a hobby by this definition. And what about my house? Are we pursuing pleasure and relaxation? I’ll go ask the Damn Husband. also gives an added definition: “ride a hobby, to concern oneself excessively with a favorite notion or activity. Also, ride a hobbyhorse.”

Oh yeah, we are riding our hobby alright. Giddy-up you old crooked house.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


My house is always ready for Halloween- cobwebs hiding in corners, a spooky dirt floor basement and creaky floor boards. What was that noise? Oh, that was just the snores of the Damn Husband.

Let the wild rumpus begin!

The Great Pumpkin Event at Chadds Ford











Where The Wild Things Are was a popular theme.



Later when Megan took home this pumpkin it was really where the wild things were. Ouch, stop eating my face.


Marshallton Family Fun Night

Back in time at Martin’s Tavern.

Mikaeala: “Why are they wearing those funny clothes?”




I loved the woman in drag (far left). She was the one in charge of setting off the canon and there was no messing with her. She took her job very seriously. Good for her! It reminded me of growing up in Gettysburg and participating in the reenactment battles. (different war) I wanted to wear a uniform and run on the battlefield with a sword instead of having to sit on the sidelines in a big puffy skirt waiting to help the wounded. The Civil War reenactors take themselves far too seriously. I did get to wield some power:

soldier: bandage my arm.

me: no. You’re dead, be still.

Soldier: I am not dead. I just got shot in the arm.

me: You got hit with a cannonball, you are definitely dead.

Soldier: Am not.

me: Are to.


Nigel exploring the fire truck. The boys loved the trucks. Mikaela, not so much.




Mikaela proudly showing off that her horse shirt glows in the dark. Thanks Aunt Kris. She loves it.




When Mikaela got home she drew a face, a saddle, a star and a snip marking on her horse and named her Glory.


We ended the night back at Martin’s Tavern.




Monday, October 26, 2009

Morning Workout

I want one of these in my house. Nigel, Mikaela and I would have so much fun. This is my idea of exercise.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It Just Wouldn’t be Sunday

without the snores of the Damn Husband wafting throughout the house. And why does he have to sleep on the couch instead of in the bedroom with the door shut?  Because he is not going to go to sleep. He is just resting for a few minutes… just like every Sunday.



She thought he needed a corrective lens on his third eye.

Just like every Sunday Mikaela wants him to wake up.  DSC_0389

Success. But alas, only temporarily.


At least he is fun to decorate.

Philly Here We Come!


Mikaela in the little city.

When I was 8 plus months pregnant with Mikaela I moved back to the burbs outside Philadelphia. It was painful for me to leave New York. (three bedroom apartment on the Upper West Side, the most fabulous place to live) The culture shock was enormous. I was resentful of Philadelphia. Okay, and also a bit resentful of the Damn Husband who wanted to live here. (Note to the Damn Husband: don’t get started, yes there were many reasons why this move was practical for us but I am not getting into this right now because that is not what this post is about so don’t get your boxers in a bundle. And yes, I like it here now, but once in a while I get a little home sick for my old stomping grounds. xo)) I wanted to be in the Big City. Not the little city. To make matters worse, I don’t know my way around Philly. I can find anything in NY (or at least I could seven years ago…) and I can’t find anything in Philly. Mostly because I never tried. I have not given Philly a chance. Somehow I got caught up with my life and I haven’t taken the time to explore. I am trying to mend my ways. I took Mikaela to see Bodyvox at the Zellerbach Theatre. Considering how many years I spent creating costume designs for modern dance in NYC it is crazy that this was the first modern dance performance I have seen since I left NY. I have been living in a cultural vacuum.


“Look, Mommy”, Mikaela says, “Take a picture of this. All those different looking buildings all together. There is a castle hiding behind there.”


The courtyard outside the Zellerbach.


A beautiful fall day.


Why don’t I ever come into this city? I was lucky to run into my friends. They were great tour guides.



Why so many bikes? Because we are at The Divine Bike Church at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, a bike co-op where they help you repair your own bike. I should bring my unicycle here some day. it could use some TLC.


Thank you Mr. Falafel man for your incredible kindness. When it was my turn to order he said, “What can I get for you, beautiful.” It caught me so off guard it took me a minute to remember what I was ordering. It has been a long time since I have been greeted that way by a stranger. It has been a long time since I have been greeted that way by anyone. I could move into this neighborhood just to order from you everyday. And your food was good too. My falafel sandwich was delicious and I am having hummus leftovers today.





Okay, Philly, we’ll be back!