Look. We were all ready to go. Three huge suitcases of donations, our stuff, baby stuff, the laptop for updates, the camera...
So far we have spent $200 to drag it to the airport and back home again.
I should not be blogging right now. I should be on a plane to Washington and then Ethiopia. The Damn husband had a bit of math trouble in choosing our departure time. I trusted him. The rainbow cab driver (no rainbow in sight)drove 25 miles an hour because he was afraid of deer. The line at the United counter was endless. When we got to the counter they no longer have humans helping you so you book everything through a machine. And just like the grocery store automated checkout, it can’t deal with anything unusual. It booted us out of the system because the ticket said we had an infant to check in for a lap seat. The piece of plastic automation did not care that we do not have our child yet and we only need this on the way home. So we were put in the ‘trouble’ line where only one man was working with a power attitude and by the time we got to him he declared we were too late to check our bags in. Next. We could have made it, but he had the authority to say no and seemed to enjoy it. He couldn’t care less that all I want to do is hold my baby. Such irony that the baby ticket is what did us in.
We woke up our LA travel agent and she is working on finding us another flight. I am going to go find something chocolate to eat.
Here is Michael, in full missed-our-flight-blues, waiting to hear back from the travel agent. No picture of me because no one likes to see a grown woman sobbing in an airport terminal.
I'm just not getting that warm holiday feeling.
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