Sunday, January 4th 2009
I don't know how far into this update I will get tonight but I will try. We are very tired and have not had much sleep over the past few days and all that we did have was achieved in an upright position. After a rough start that included a missed flight, a flat tire, a full body search at security that included every item we had with us being pulled out and swiped with bomb sensitive cloths, we were finally on our way to Italy. We tried to make the best of our 16 hour layover in Rome and we explored a bit of the city. It was cold and rainy and we had no coats- hey we thought we were heading to Ethiopia!- but we didn't let that stop us. We toured the Piazza Venezia,
lit candles for our moms at the Basilica dis Maria Sopra Minerva,
This statue was right outside the church. I wish I knew the story about it.
looked with amazement at the Pantheon
and ate a wonderful Italian mean at the M. Agrippa al Pantheon.
This pup waited patiently outside the restaurant.
Then we headed to the Fontana di Trevi where I was thrown back in time. Many years ago, when I was young (carefree and reckless) I swam in that fountain with a friend. I hadn't thought about that in years!
After hours of walking, Michael and I returned to the airport soggy and cold and waited another 7½ hours for our flight. I spoke to Mikaela who is having a great time. When I got off the phone I sobbed into my cappuccino. I can't believe how much I miss her. Thanks Barb,for taking such good care of my baby.
We walked for hours around Rome. Here are some of the things we saw.
These guys had to be ready to flee in a moments notice. Once in a while they would suddenly pick up all their bags and run with the police chasing them. Ten minutes later they would be back doing business.
No Hummers on these streets
Nice advertising. Very subtle...
Getting tired of hoofing it around in the rain for hours.
I wonder how long she has waited for her flight.
The Damn Husband checks out the scenery as we wait for our flight.
Please Miss, help us get to Addis.
When we finally took off on Ethiopian Air to Addis, I slept the whole way. I woke up excited to see my children. Miraculously all our luggage arrived and our driver was waiting for us. On the car ride to the hotel I was relishing all the sights and sounds with pleasure. Once we arrived at the hotel we met two other couples who were heading
to the orphanage to see their children. We thought we would be following after them shortly but we couldn't get hold of our driver or our agency rep who was suppose to meet us to finish up paper work for our Embassy appointment. Michael was extremely jet lagged and I wouldn't let him sleep because I was sure any minute we would get picked up.
He ended up taking a nap and I ended up nearly going insane waiting. When we finally got a driver and arrived at Hope no one knewwe were coming and it was nap time for the babies. The caretakers were so sweet to let us come in. When we walked in they were trying to put a clean outfit on Temesgen and clean up his face.
He is so cute. Temesgen has the sweetest smile. He can stand by himself and crawl anywhere he wants. I can't find the words to describe how it felt to walk into that room and finally see him and kiss his soft feet.
He had a mild curiosity about me and let me hold him for a while but his love was saved for one of the caretakers who doted on him. Whenever he saw her his big eyes lit up and he smiled.
Will this dear sweet babe ever give me that look? I am reminded again that this joyous meeting for me is nothing but grief for him when I eventually take him away from everything he knows and loves. Yes, I am trusting that eventually, he will love his new life but the transition I know will be hard for him.
We were very hungry by the time we made it back to the hotel and we joined the other two couples at an Ethiopian restaurant where they perform traditional dances.
Michael couldn't resist and had to partake in the raw beef, hopefully he won't be sorry later.
When the Damn Husband was almost falling off his chair with exhaustion, I finally agreed to go back to the hotel. He is sleeping as I write this.
I know this update is long and it doesn't even cover a tiny tip of what we have experienced. I was not able to see my daughter, Yaebsira. Someone said she was still down in Nazaret and someone else said she was at a doctor's appointment. I will find out in the morning.
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