Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Can't Get Enough Contrast

Reading the New York Times this weekend, I was reminded in a very obvious way of the contrasts that exist in this world: a page spread showed bomb victims in Kabul and a model lounging in cashmere. (She just can't get enough cashmere)

It started me thinking about contrast in many manifestations.
The financial stress I feel compared to the poverty level in Ethiopia.
The calm graceful energy of Mikaela and the nonstop exuberance of Nigel.
The way I want to be and the way I actually am.
The joy I feel about Yaebsira and the fear I have about Yaebsira.
The organization I dream about in my mind and the chaos of my household.
All the things I want to do compared to the tiny amount of time I have to do them.
My cancer scare compared to my friend's recurrence.
The health I want and the way I am feeling.

Life is filled with contrast and today I am grateful for the wonderful things I have in my life and the awareness that the pain of contrast is mostly created in my own mind.

1 comment:

nukediver said...

I actually wrote a short paper about this very thing; I'd send it to you if I could find the damn thing....