Monday, August 17, 2009

Dinner Time Improvization

I brewed up a little spontaneous chili today. I was remembering the great chili Marie Goodwin made for me when we had just gotten home with Nigel. It was so good and of course, like most good cooks, she couldn’t give me the recipe because she just threw it together. Is this really true? Or do the good cooks just say this so they can keep their fabulous recipes a secret. Come on Marie, fess up! With Marie’s chili in mind and ground turkey in the frig, I came up with this. It includes things I happen to have on hand.

Turkey Chili

(All ingredient amounts are improvisational)

1 onion, chopped
garlic, lots, chopped
olive oil
ground turkey
tomato sauce
a couple of fresh tomatoes from the garden, chopped
2 cans Trader Joe’s Cuban black beans (with the liquid- it includes some yummy spices)
2 T almond butter
1 T cocoa
1 green pepper, chopped
2 large carrots, chopped
chili powder (and berbere if you dare)
fresh cilantro
Himalayan salt, if needed
Ground almonds to sprinkle on top

Heat up the onion and garlic in a large pot until onions are soft and everything smells good. Add the turkey and cook on low. When the turkey is almost cooked add some tomato sauce, the fresh tomatoes, the black beans with juice and some water. Stir in the almond butter and cocoa when everything is nice and hot. Add the green pepper and carrots. Sprinkle in chili powder, as much as you dare. We are used to spicy Ethiopia food now so I use berbere and chili powder. Yum. Add fresh cilantro and serve. Sprinkle with ground almonds. Even better the second day.

Tomorrow is my CSA pick up so we have very little greens left. I wanted something raw so this is what I came up with. I am in the middle of an elimination diet so I can’t have dairy. The avocado mayo was listed on the elimination work sheet my doctor gave me. I thought it would be a good coleslaw alternative to regular mayo. I was right. The color is so pretty and the taste is good too.

Beet Coleslaw

½ red cabbage
4 or five radishes
one large beet or several small beets
salt and pepper
avocado mayonnaise

Grate the first three ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste and add a few tablespoons of avocado mayo. Love that color.

Avocado Mayonnaise

1 avocado
½ cup olive oil *
2 garlic cloves
1 t chopped onion
1 t curry powder
¼ cup water

Blend all ingredients in a food processor at high speed until smooth. Chill.
* the original recipe called for 1 cup of olive oil. I changed it to ½ cup olive oil plus ¼ cup of water. Add more water if it seems too thick.

My nana was famous for her coleslaw. Whenever my mother tried to make her recipe she always lamented that it was never as good as Nana's. One day my mom saw her secretly adding sugar to the coleslaw. Imagine, holding out on your own daughter! If you want a little boost to this recipe, try adding a little sugar or honey. (but don't tell anyone!)

1 comment:

Hullabaloo Homestead said...

Wow, your bowl of stew looks like it should be in a cookbook.