Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mikaela’s World

We were in the car and Mikaela was calling out facts from her handbook on dog breeds: Chihuahuas can live up to 20 years or more, a Scottish Deerhound is for experienced dog handlers only, Irish Wolfhounds only live for 6 or 7 years. It was quiet in the car for a while. When she began speaking again I thought she was still talking about dogs. 

“Six is the perfect age.”

“The perfect age for what?”

“Mommy, for everything!”

She is about to turn seven so I am wondering if this is a problem.

“So, six is the perfect age?”

“Yes. Six to nine.”

“Hmm. Can you tell me more about that.”

She sighs in a way that says, it is so obvious but I will explain it to you.

“You are old enough so that you don’t have to hold your mom’s hand all the time and you can do lots of things on your own but you still get snuggles and stuff.”

“ Cool.  Six to nine.”

“Yeah. Kayla just turned nine and she’s happy.”


off and running in her own little world.  Sometimes out of focus shots just work.

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